Freaky and fantastic fish pulled from the depths at Alabama Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo
Freaky and fantastic fish pulled from the depths at Alabama Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo Click here to view original web page at Freaky and fantastic fish pulled from the depths at Alabama Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo DAUPHIN ISLAND, Alabama -- A unicorn filefish, a sharpnose sevengill shark, and a humungous, rainbow-colored longtail sea bass are just a few of the fish entered for the title of "most unusual" at the Alabama Deep Sea Fishing Rodeo over the years. "One of the most fun things we ever did here at the Rodeo is started that category," said Dr. Bob Shipp, research professor of marine sciences at the University of South Alabama. Shipp serves as one of the Rodeo's three judges, accompanied by Dr. Sean Powers and Dr. Will Patterson, also professors in the department. "Even before we had the category, people would bring stuff in - they didn't know what it was," Shipp added. "We decided, let's have a category for it, make some pretty...