Orvis Hydros SL Fly Reel - Tom Rosenbauer Insider Review


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Orvis Hydros SL:
The Hydros SL is a brand new reel that is a lot different from the old Hydros despite sharing the same name.
Orvis Hydros:
There is not another true large arbor, big-game fly-fishing reel out there that carries this drag system performance at a price starting at just 5. It's unheard of until now. The new Hydros® Reel Series features a sealed drag surface that increases total drag surface by model: The larger the reel, the larger the drag surface and the more resistance available to handle larger fish. Using stacked carbon washers, controlled by a positive click adjustment system, the Hydros can be fine-tuned to handle any fish from a trout to a tuna with sustained and infinitely durable drag pressure.

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