Smith Lake Park set to host Bass Fest fishing tournament Saturday

Bass Fest fishing tournament
Bass Fest fishing tournament
Hundreds of anglers from across the Southeast will descend on Smith Lake Park this weekend to compete for the $10,000 top prize in the county’s first ever bass tournament.
The Cullman County Parks and Recreation’s inaugural Bass Fest and Music Festival will kickoff at 8 a.m. Saturday. More than 400 anglers — some from as far away as Texas — have signed up to compete, said Parks Director Doug Davenport.
Admission is free, and residents are invited to come out to the park in Trimble to enjoy live music and the 50-plus arts and crafts and food vendors.
A 4,000-gallon mobile fish tank will be set up for attendees to catch and release fish, with prizes for the biggest fish caught each hour, Davenport said.
“We’re taking 250 fish out of Smith Lake for the mobile tank, and then we plan to release those fish into Sportsman Lake to restock it,” he said. “It’s going to be free to public so any kids or adults can use it. We want it to be an educational tool to get them, especially the kids who may have never fished before, interested in fishing.”
In addition to the $10,000 top prize, the tournament will award $5,000 for second place, $2,500 for the biggest fish, $500 for the winning parent-child team and $500 for winning college team. Weigh-in will begin at 3 p.m.
Those interested in participating can still sign up at Smith Lake Park or the Cullman County Courthouse by close of business Thursday. The registration is $125 per boat, with a two-person maximum per boat. Applications are available at the park, courthouse and online at
The last chance to sign up will be 6 p.m. Friday at the mandatory pre-tournament meeting held at the Cullman County Agricultural Trade Center on U.S. 31. Registration will be $150 per boat, cash only, for those registering Friday, Davenport said.
Officials are optimistic the tournament will become an annual event and draw to the park. For more information go online to the Smith Lake Park Bass Fest website or to the Cullman County Parks and Recreation website ( or call 256-739-2916.

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