Fishing With Law Enforcement

Fishing With Law Enforcement
Fishing With Law Enforcement
Fishing With Law Enforcement
The second annual Cast With A Cop kicked off this morning. The program is a great way for kids to hang out with law enforcement in a positive setting.
For many kids here, it was time to catch that first fish. And local law enforcement were more than happy to help make that experience happen.
"Police officers aren't always big, bad, mean, tough guys. We're there to help you, provide services to you when you need them. This is a good way for us to get together with the kids and hang out," Officer Brady Lieuwen said.
Officers from the Sioux Falls Police Department, Highway Patrol and Game, Fish and Parks department were on hand to guide kids from The Banquet. Last year, only one fish was caught in three hours. That was not the case this time around.
Matt: How many fish do you think you're going to catch today?
Denayja: Six? (Laughs)
While catching a lot of fish is fun, today was also about learning the rules of fishing.
"Fishing is a good thing but we just have to make sure that fish can live. Because fish, when people get ready to eat them, they have to give them a little bit more time to live, until they get bigger," Tyrese said.
Hopefully these relationships, formed through fishing, last into the future.
Fishing equipment was supplied by the Game, Fish, and Parks department and the bait by Dakota Angler.

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