1st place at this year’s King Kat tournament on Lake Tawakoni went to Justin Cook and Roger Gerloff from Missouri with a five fish weigh in at 217.15 pounds. Officials fear big hauls like this will attract more people from out-of-state and deplete catfish stocks.Click through to see more giant catfish catches from this tournament and from the area’s Noodlers who fish by hand! Photo: Cabela’s King Kat Tournament Trail2nd place at Lake Tawakoni: Ray Austin and Robert Anuilera, Texas, with 180.40 pound bag. Photo: Cabela’s King Kat Tournament TrailRobert Stanley and Dustin Sawyer, 4th place with 143.75 pounds of fish. Photo: Cabela’s King Kat Tournament TrailThe big fish title went to Johnson Merlyn and Derrick Crozier from Kansas with a weigh in of 73.25 pounds. Photo: Cabela’s King Kat Tournament TrailDan and Paul Miles, Texas, took 9th place, with a bag weighing 121.65. Photo: Cabela’s King Kat Tournament TrailLucy Milsap and her 52 pound winner at the Tawakoni Noodling Tournament on Lake Tawakoni, Texas. Photo: Takakoni Noodling TournamentMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas’ couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas’ couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas’ couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas’ couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas’ couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas’ couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas’ couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas’ couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas’ couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas’ couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas’ couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas’ couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas’ couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas’ couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas’ couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas’ couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas’ couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament Gallery
Don’t mess with Texas catfish – that’s the cry from anglers in the state who’ve answered overwhelmingly that they favor greater restrictions on the take of large fish from area lakes.
In a survey of catfish anglers conducted by Texas Parks and Wildlife on Lake Tawakoni, just east of Dallas, 85 percent said they favored reducing the harvest of large blue catfish.
Restrictions currently vary between the states lakes. Some allow one fish over 30 inches to be kept, others have a so-called slot limit where only fish between 30-45 inches can be kept.
“There was discussion of having more restrictive regulation .. the vast majority were supportive of it,” said Kevin Storey of the TPW Inland Fisheries, “They felt, left unchecked, people would continue to remove the large fish.”
Those large fish are a big draw to the states lakes. A five fish haul of catfish weighed in at a combined 217-plus pounds and took the title at this year’s King Kat tournament at Lake Tawakoni. Giant bags like that are bringing more and more anglers from all over the country, Storey said.
“People come from Canada and throughout North American specifically to Lake Tawakoni to fish for large catfish,” Storey said, “Just seeing that weight of fish in a single day has generated a lot of interest.”
Although monitoring of catfish populations completed by Texas Parks and Wildlife since 2001 shows no decline, officials say anglers have voiced concern about the future of their beloved fish.
“The rod and reel guys are taking too many of the big fish,” said Bill Creed who recently launched the Lake Tawakoni Noodling tournament, “If they’re going to want to keep more of those fish for future generations, they’re going to have to cut back on the restrictions.”
Noodlers tend to fish for flathead catfish and the sport has recently “gone wild” according to Creed. Noodling was legalized in Texas two years ago.
The survey revealed that out of the 293 surveyed, just one percent were mainly noodlers who generally release every fish they catch.
Storey says Inland Fisheries has submitted a proposal for further regulation but admitted it may be next year before a decision is made. A change will likely form part of a statewide catfish management plan due to be published in 2015.
1st place at this year's King Kat tournament on Lake Tawakoni went to Justin Cook and Roger Gerloff from Missouri with a five fish weigh in at 217.15 pounds. Officials fear big hauls like this will attract more people from out-of-state and deplete catfish stocks.Click through to see more giant catfish catches from this tournament and from the area's Noodlers who fish by hand! Photo: Cabela's King Kat Tournament Trail2nd place at Lake Tawakoni: Ray Austin and Robert Anuilera, Texas, with 180.40 pound bag. Photo: Cabela's King Kat Tournament TrailRobert Stanley and Dustin Sawyer, 4th place with 143.75 pounds of fish. Photo: Cabela's King Kat Tournament TrailThe big fish title went to Johnson Merlyn and Derrick Crozier from Kansas with a weigh in of 73.25 pounds. Photo: Cabela's King Kat Tournament TrailDan and Paul Miles, Texas, took 9th place, with a bag weighing 121.65. Photo: Cabela's King Kat Tournament TrailLucy Milsap and her 52 pound winner at the Tawakoni Noodling Tournament on Lake Tawakoni, Texas. Photo: Takakoni Noodling TournamentMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas' couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas' couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas' couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas' couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas' couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas' couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas' couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas' couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas' couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas' couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas' couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas' couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas' couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas' couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas' couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas' couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament GalleryMore than 10,000 people attending the 15th annual Okie Noodling Tournament. Texas' couple Kelly and Jimmy Milsap took top prizes. Their daughter, Lucy Milsap, the so-called Queen of Noodling, won the Texas tournament earlier in June. Photo: Okie Noodling Tournament Gallery
Don't mess with Texas catfish - that's the cry from anglers in the state who've answered overwhelmingly that they favor greater restrictions on the take of large fish from area lakes.
In a survey of catfish anglers conducted by Texas Parks and Wildlife on Lake Tawakoni, just east of Dallas, 85 percent said they favored reducing the harvest of large blue catfish.
Restrictions currently vary between the states lakes. Some allow one fish over 30 inches to be kept, others have a so-called slot limit where only fish between 30-45 inches can be kept.
"There was discussion of having more restrictive regulation .. the vast majority were supportive of it," said Kevin Storey of the TPW Inland Fisheries, "They felt, left unchecked, people would continue to remove the large fish."
Those large fish are a big draw to the states lakes. A five fish haul of catfish weighed in at a combined 217-plus pounds and took the title at this year's King Kat tournament at Lake Tawakoni. Giant bags like that are bringing more and more anglers from all over the country, Storey said.
"People come from Canada and throughout North American specifically to Lake Tawakoni to fish for large catfish," Storey said, "Just seeing that weight of fish in a single day has generated a lot of interest."
Although monitoring of catfish populations completed by Texas Parks and Wildlife since 2001 shows no decline, officials say anglers have voiced concern about the future of their beloved fish.
"The rod and reel guys are taking too many of the big fish," said Bill Creed who recently launched the Lake Tawakoni Noodling tournament, "If they're going to want to keep more of those fish for future generations, they're going to have to cut back on the restrictions."
Noodlers tend to fish for flathead catfish and the sport has recently "gone wild" according to Creed. Noodling was legalized in Texas two years ago.
The survey revealed that out of the 293 surveyed, just one percent were mainly noodlers who generally release every fish they catch.
Storey says Inland Fisheries has submitted a proposal for further regulation but admitted it may be next year before a decision is made. A change will likely form part of a statewide catfish management plan due to be published in 2015.
Does live bait or chunked bait work better for catching yellowfin tuna? When targeting a trophy snook, is the action better during the incoming tide or outgoing tide? How and where can an angler catch more flounder? Every angler wants to become a more successful fisherman. But YouTube videos and fishing magazines only can lift one's game so far. Sometimes, it helps to get a refresher course. The 2013 SaltWater Sportsman National Seminar Series will offer a day of intense fishing instruction when it wraps up its national tour March 2 at Jupiter Community High School. Attendees will be exposed to six hours of fishing knowledge delivered by some of the region's most accomplished sport- fishing captains, television hosts and tournament anglers. "We've used a 'team teaching' approach for many years," said George Poveromo, seminar director and host of the "World of Saltwater Fishing," a long-running television series and editor-at-large...
White River. Article 1 This blue ribbon trout fishery is located in the heart of Arkansas in the Ozark Mountain Range. Many a keen fishermen will have tried their luck here. In addition to the efforts driven by the local conservation, the water from the White River runs clean and cold from its source in the Boston Mountains of the Ozarks. The tail water effect provides stable cold water temperatures and excellent trout habitat. It's not enough to just throw some bait on a hook and cast. If you want to increase your odds of coming home with a cooler of fresh trout to clean, or at least have a great fishing day with some successful catch and release action, you need to employ some tried and true trout fishing strategy when fishing here. In my many years of fishing, I'd be hard-pressed to find a more friendly, easy-going and informative group of people. But the people of Arkansas and the outfitters of this river are frie...
Fishing is also the art which people love to do some people do this activity for their stomach, some People choose this activity as an entertainment or for time passing, but for any matter until or unless you know how catch fishes you won't do this work with perfection. So, let's have some fishing tips in order to catch your desired fish from the water. And as and when the people don't know how to catch fish they won't be having any enjoyment in this sport. Hook size is very important as they come in various sizes. And sizes are from 32 to 10/0 where 32 sizes Is smallest in the case of fishing hook as number decreases the size of the hook increases. In the same Way the sizes of shank are also creates matter as they come in three regular sizes long, medium and short.Different bars can have with the style of hooks which depends on curve and other differences for suit specific sort of fish species. Like different style are needed for bottom feeder. So, t...