Going fishing? Check this Michigan report outlining which fish are safe to eat
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Louise Knott Ahern
Gannett Michigan

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Is it S.A.F.E?

Remember this acronym to determine if the fish you caught is safe to eat:
S Smaller fish are better.
A Avoid large predator fish and bottom-feeders.
F Fat should be removed.
E Eat fish broiled or grilled on a rack.
Source: MDCH
Wondering if that carp you caught in the Grand River is safe to eat?
The Michigan Department of Community Health has the answer.
The state health agency has released a new report called Eat Safe Fish that outlines what’s OK to catch and eat from nearly every major lake and river in Michigan. The report also lists recommended serving sizes.
Anglers can search the report county-by-county to see which fish are safest and for tips on how to properly cook fish for safe consumption.
State toxicologist Kory Groetsch said the project was aimed at providing a comprehensive, scientifically up-to-date answer to an age-old question.
“Since back in the 1970s, people have been coming to the health department and asking, ‘Is it safe?’” Groetsch said. “In last four years, we were able to dedicate some significant effort to updating the science and really do a rework of the communication plan, such as signage materials and outreach efforts.”
The project was funded with money from the federal Great Lakes Restoration Initiative — a multi-year project aimed at cleaning up and protecting the Great Lakes.
MDCH toxicologists were able to test the filets of fish found in Michigan’s major waterways for major chemicals of concern — mainly mercury, PCBs and dioxins.
PCBs — which is short for polychlorinated biphenyls — were used for coolants and insulators in electrical equipment until they were outlawed in the late 1970s.
Dioxins are chemicals produced as byproducts of manufacturing and the burning of coal.
Both have declined in recent years because of environmental protection laws but are still found in Michigan’s fresh fish, Groetsch said.
Mercury, however, has shown no signs of decreasing and continues to be the leading contaminate of concern, he said.
“We find it in pretty much all fish,” he said. “Some have a little. Some have more. Whether you buy it in a grocery store or go fishing in a lake or river in Michigan, you’re going to get some amount of mercury.”
The key is to limit the amount, and that’s what the Eat Safe Fish report is for, Groetsch said.
(By the way, yes. You can eat that carp from the Grand River.)
Wondering if that carp you caught in the Grand River is safe to eat?
The Michigan Department of Community Health has the answer.
The state health agency has released a new report called Eat Safe Fish that outlines what’s OK to catch and eat from nearly every major lake and river in Michigan. The report also lists recommended serving sizes.
Anglers can search the report county-by-county to see which fish are safest and for tips on how to properly cook fish for safe consumption.
State toxicologist Kory Groetsch said the project was aimed at providing a comprehensive, scientifically up-to-date answer to an age-old question.
“Since back in the 1970s, people have been coming to the health department and asking, ‘Is it safe?’” Groetsch said. “In last four years, we were able to dedicate some significant effort to updating the science and really do a rework of the communication plan, such as signage materials and outreach efforts.”
The project was funded with money from the federal Great Lakes Restoration Initiative — a multi-year project aimed at cleaning up and protecting the Great Lakes.
MDCH toxicologists were able to test the filets of fish found in Michigan’s major waterways for major chemicals of concern — mainly mercury, PCBs and dioxins.
PCBs — which is short for polychlorinated biphenyls — were used for coolants and insulators in electrical equipment until they were outlawed in the late 1970s.
Dioxins are chemicals produced as byproducts of manufacturing and the burning of coal.
Both have declined in recent years because of environmental protection laws but are still found in Michigan’s fresh fish, Groetsch said.
Mercury, however, has shown no signs of decreasing and continues to be the leading contaminate of concern, he said.
“We find it in pretty much all fish,” he said. “Some have a little. Some have more. Whether you buy it in a grocery store or go fishing in a lake or river in Michigan, you’re going to get some amount of mercury.”
The key is to limit the amount, and that’s what the Eat Safe Fish report is for, Groetsch said.
(By the way, yes. You can eat that carp from the Grand River.)


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