Read keeping eels in a 5 gallon bucket unless it is the day you are fishing would for me, be a lost cause. Even with an airorator one needs to change the water periodically when kept as a supply at home. The level of Oxygen at the bottom of the tank depletes itself. When you see the eels swimming free through out the whole water column you know they are happy. When they all come up to the top you need to change out the water or increase the levels of Oxygen in the water.

Keeping eels at home means placing them in a cool place, where the heat will not increase the water temperature. If they are kept in the dark, that will also enhance how long they will live. and maintain a rich dark color. Occasionally we like white ones and that means placing them inside a white or clear container for awhile as Tony posted above.

If keeping eels for storage I would recommend at least a 50 gallon barrel with a cover. Eels can jump out of containers by sliding up along the edges , so if you do not have a cover , have a wood stopper placed on the inside of the barrel at the top, that will prevent them from sliding up and out onto the floor. It really makes no difference if the house holding container is round or not..

Have a drain near the bottom or use a sump pump to remove the water into a out side drain when changing the water. Usually when changing the water we only go half way, unless we have an amount of eels in the container more then it can handle at that time.

Remove daily any ones that may be dead and place in the freezer in a straight line , they can be used later, once the live ones are gone.. If they are large enough to place on a skin rig or plug then skin them and salt then right away, for best results. Place the salted skins in a glass or plastic container. I prefer glass , but both will work,. keep the skins refridgerated and they will last in better condition to be used at a later time.

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