Trout are challenging fish to catch

Trout are a very popular and challenging fish to catch and has become one of the favorites of many anglers. Actually there are four basic kinds of trout in the streams, lakes and rivers of America. They are the Rainbow trout, Lake trout, Brook trout and Brown trout. Any of them can be a perfect candidate for trout fishing and can be caught using the common methods apart from the lake trout which lives in deep cold lakes and are not the same as other kinds of trout.

There are some locations in America that are ideal for fishing. You can easily go to the rivers and streams and expect to enjoy a great day out doors. Trout fishing is not easy and can take some time but with practice and patience you will find success.

A few great places to fish in America are listed below:

The Gallatin River; This is one of the most visited rivers for trout fishing which is found between Yellowstone National Park and Montana. It is a friendly short river that flows through the beautiful mountain territory and produces little trout which are excellent for game fish. The river is very accessible.

Yellowstone National Park; Located in Wyoming Yellowstone offers some of the greatest sites for fishing in America. The park offer some stocked trout as well as rivers and streams that contains some wild or native trout.

Carter Lake, Colorado; A place you shouldn't miss fishing since it provides plenty of trout for the 1100 acre lake. Trout fishing is oftentimes done in the summer when the snow melts from the top of the mountain and streams are filled with water.

The Connecticut River; is an excellent river for fishing. There are a few part of the river that a spinning rod could be used but mostly it is fly fishing only. The Connecticut is a perfect place for rainbow and brown trout. You can even wade or fish using your boat. In addition to that, from the New Hampshire/Vermont border down to Hanover also offers good trout fishing.

The Green River; is a river where its upper part reaches Wyoming. Wyoming is the place for the high plains river which offers large amount of brown trout. You can do your fishing during the entire summer since trout can be easily found under banks of the river where they find their foods. This is the reason why the Letort hopper or the Hare's Ear is an ideal bait to be used. The Flaming Gorge Reservoir also provides huge amount of big brown, lake and rainbow trout. However, the place is not easily accessible.

There are many other places in America which are great places for fishing. Wherever you go fishing, remember the most important thing is that you enjoy every moment. Also, fishing at the right time is one key for a more rewarding trout fishing trip.

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