Trout in Bare Nature

Once in America, trout fishing had its great time. It was the most favourable outdoor hobby in times when people seek for a challenging and fruitful recreation in bare nature. Challenging, since the fish to catch is the best target but hard to caught fish in the world. Fruitful, imagining the tasty trout dish served for dinner. Let's go further into this wonderful fish.

Trout fish in bare nature

Their typical place to find them is in cool, clear water streams and lakes throughout the Northern part of America, as well as in Asia and Europe.
Although most of the trout can only be found in fresh water, but many species of the trout are known as seasonal travellers where they spent their adult life in the sea and return to streams of freshwater when time comes for them to breed.

This is known as anadromous reproduction which is a seasonal habit in the species of brook trout, cutthroat trout, brown trout, bull trout, arctic char and salmon. These species are known to travel to salt water as well

You may find a lot of species of trout. And it seems that there are more isolated populations detected which is based on morphological differences, like colour and skin patterns, rather than genetic differences. It is quite often that the same trout species but living in different environment possess a remarkably different colours and skin pattern and even be given a different name.

A good example is the cutthroat trout which is known to have about 14 subspecies such as the Lahontan cutthroat trout, the Bonneville cutthroat trout, Colorado River cutthroat trout, Yellowstone cutthroat trout just to name a few.

In other instances, the colours and pattern difference results in the same species being called by completely different names. The brook trout and the aurora trout for instance, all have physical characteristics and colour patterns that show them to be different, but genetically they just belong to the same species,

Salvelinus fontinalis.

The colours and patterns of a trout fish are used as a disguise based on the surroundings in which they live. As it moves to other environment, the colours and patterns will be adjusted to the different habitat. A silvery colour trout may indicate that he has just returned from the sea. While the same genetically trout that lives in a small stream or lake may exhibit greenish and more colourful speckles.

Trout possess spineless fins and all of them have a small fatty fin along the back, close to their tail. Trout has a bone structure with the healthy and tasty flesh lining on it.
Trout fish hatchery

Trout fish has a very promising economic value. Some of the species, especially the salmon is highly demanded throughout the world. Its raw flesh is claimed as the healthiest flesh that protects the body from serious illness. Indeed, the Japanese are the pioneer in raw salmon flesh eating.
Due to their popularity and increasing global demand, trout are often raised on hatcheries or fish farms. They will then be relocated into heavily fished waters which is part of the effort to minimize the effects of over fishing.

Trout Fishing
There are different fishing methods that can be applied for trout fishing. The commonly used methods are spin fishing and fly fishing. Fly fishing was once the prime method used to catch trout fish. This method has been used to catch other fish as well.
Trout fishing has many excitements, which makes it different compared to other type of fishing. It is the trout that create the excitement, since the fish is hard to catch. And still, if you succeed in catching one (after a long battle) he will never give up and fight back to the end.
Be aware that you will find different trout in different water or places. While different baits for different types and sizes of trout should be thoroughly considered

The common and in most favour of the trout are night crawlers, flies like the mayfly, caddis fly, dragonfly and stonefly. Another popular bait for larger sizes of trout are the minnows, which are small fishes.

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