Just a Little Humour


The little bugger was not going to let go.

This is a true story about my mates dog Fred.

Fred is a fox terrier and a real character, a lot like his owner. On the third week of the shooting season we shot on my pond in the swamp as my mate Dick’s pond was dry. The water was coming up as the River was rising after heavy rain.

After we had stopped shooting we went Dick’s pond and found it had about 3 to 4 inches of water on about half of it. That's enough Dick said. She'll shoot alright tomorrow. We set the decoys up ready for the next morning six on a bungee cord that goes to the mia mai with another 8 decoys around them. The mia mia had been camouflaged in tea tree already even though we hadn't yet shot in it.

We arrived at the pond around 6.30 the next morning. Dick was putting a pipe in the swamp all while I was putting the wings on a Robo duck which was to be mounted on to the pipe about a metre above the water. The Robo duck is a battery operated so the wings rotate which had attracts ducks who you think it's a duck coming in to land on the water. It was about half light and Fred had been running in front of us in about 6 inches of water. He then took off to the other end of the pond which was dry.

Next thing we heard a commotion of splashing and crashing coming from the other end of the pond which was dry. Now in the half light we saw a swan come flying over the heads about 2 m up. The splashing and crashing was still happening that seem to be getting closer. Dick and I wondered what the blazes was happening when next thing to our amazement another swan appeared in front of us making our hell of a racket with Fred on its back with his teeth fastened to the base of its neck. Fred was riding it like a jockey in no way was going to let it of his grip.

It was one of the funniest sites I had ever seen. Dick and I chased the swan and Fred around the pond of two or 3 min before Dick caught it and put it out of its misery. After we got back into the mai mai I started laughing and Dick asked what are you laughing about? I said I was imagining what would have happened if the swan had got air born as I'm sure the little bugger was not going to let go of that grip.

We ended up getting our limits that day plus Fred's Swan. Fred has a great nose and he found 4 ducks that we would have otherwise lost in the weeds and willows. Dick and Fred are great mates and it's a pleasure to be close friend of both of them.

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