Fly Fishing

Fly Fishing

To the uninitiated trout fly-fishing is a pastime with an air of mystery about it. The fly fisher appears to spend more time flicking his fly and line back and forward through the air than actually Ietting it land on the water. The thousands of fly patterns available and the endless variety of tackle on the market, only add to this air of mysteriousness.
Yet, despite the apparent complexity of the sport, fly-fishing can be defined simply as trying to catch trout using an artificial fly that imitates the various forms of food on which they feed. And fly-fishing in the true sense involves the use of a fly rod and casting line in order to present the fly to the fish.

Fly-fishing can be divided into several different methods according to the techniques used. The two main divisions are Wet Fly and Dry Fly fishing. The simple difference being that a wet fly sinks and a dry fly floats. Wet fly fishing can be further divided into nymph, lure and traditional wet fly fishing, each employing different techniques.

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