
Rudiments of Fishing

There we were me and my new fishing apprentice at the lake. I was teaching him the rudiments of handling the rod and putting the bait and we were trying to catch a lake trout while discussing everything from sports to the most effective technique to escape from boring clothes-shopping with our wives. I got some good ideas, I must confess. At some point he asked me if there were some other fishing techniques or alternative styles. "Is it always just a fishing rod, reel, bait, and waiting in sport fishing?" he asked. Of course it is the most common way to fish but it is not the only way to fish. In sport fishing, there are different techniques and tools for fishing depending on the type of fish you want to catch. There are even games you can play with friends or family. One of Murphy's laws says that if something can be used for something else besides its original use, someone will do it. Some techniques or methods are more dangerous or fun than others. Before I cou...

Shark fishing From the Beach

It is a well known fact that in the summertime many Sharks move from the deeper waters offshore into inland waterways and beaches. Why do they do this? Well the Sharks seek warmer shallow waters to carry out mating rituals and to either lay eggs or give live birth. So why is this important? It is very important if you are interested in swimming or in landing huge fish from the bank. There is no other type of fishing (that I know of) where the angler has an exceptional chance of hooking on to a 500lb plus fish while fishing from the bank. Living near the Gulf of Mexico during my youth my family would take at least one vacation each summer to the beach. Week long vacations at the beach can sometimes get a little boring for a kid who grew up in the Hardwood Bottoms of middle Georgia. Fishing was the answer to my problems. I started off doing some light surf fishing but soon realized that there were truly bigger fish in the sea. On one trip in particular I was introduced to s...

Night Fishing

Have you ever tried trout fishing at night? It's a little more difficult that fishing during the daytime or dawn, since it's very dark. But it pays off to try. Once you familiarize yourself with a fishing spot, try going out there to fish when it's dark. The bigger fishes usually come out at night, so you'll have a greater chance of catching bigger trout. Learn more about this in my new book, Trout Fishing Essentials. You can learn more about it here:

Trout fishing can be easy

Trout fishing can be easy and fun...if you know the right way to do it. You can learn more about that here: It reveals my entire trout fishing system and you might be interested in how it works. It's not about: 1. spending a lot of money on supplies 2. buying expensive and unnecessary equipment Here's what it IS about: 1. The 1 rule to follow for guaranteed results 2. How to use the right bait 3. Choosing the right fishing spot You can learn more about that here: See, trout fishing can be easy and fun to do. But most people don't follow one important rule that guarantees a bigger catch before even starting. Trout fishing is easy and can be fun as long as you follow some simple rules.

Learn to Flyfish

Learn to Fly fish with Fly Fishing From Scratch!... Who Else Wants To Learn How To Maximize Their Fly Fishing Success In The Shortest Time Possible? If you're looking to get started in fly fishing or catch more fish, then you’ve come to the right place! I strongly urge you to read the rest of this webpage - it’ll make a huge difference to your fly fishing success!...

Kayaks 1. Kayaks are cheaper than boats-cheaper to buy and cheaper to run so saving you a fortune in time and money. 2. Kayaks can be launched from almost anywhere-if it can't be launched with a yak, believe me, it can't be launched, simple 3. Kayaks go to where the fish are biting so you are not restricted as to where you can cast off from. 4. Kayak Fishing keeps you fit and healthy and it makes that old ticker work-but also only how hard you want it to - not all of us are into the surf-wave fishing in the open sea, but we could if we wanted to 5. Kayaks are lighter, faster, and more maneuverable than say canoes and can get to where you want to be in a seconds, if you are good, that is. 6. Kayak fisherman feel at one with the water and the fish -why?-probably because you are so close to the them when you fish, unlike any other form of water transportation . 7. Kayaks don't use fossil fuel and therefor...

Women Fishing

More and more women are learning to enjoy fishing each and every day.  And, why not?  Fishing is a sport that doesn't require exceptional strength, stamina or height  quite the contrary, fishing is a sport of agility, finesse and patience, skills many women already possess. So why don't more women fish? Successful fishing requires knowledge of various types of fishing gear, tackle, and an understanding of the quarry.  Fish have a variety of feeding habits, behavioral patterns, etc. and these characteristics influence how to go about fishing for them. Traditionally, men learned how to fish when they were boys from fathers and grandfathers.  Even if this training was lacking, it's no big deal for a guy to hang out with other guys who enjoy fishing and learn the ropes from them. For a woman, though, the process is apt to be somewhat more difficult.  In my family of all girls, we learned the thrill of fishing as children from our father.  Fortunately...